2022 Responder Safety and Health Survey

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Take the Survey Today – Your Input Is Greatly Valued. It helps us gauge wellness and determines disaster behavioral health training needs for Maine’s response community. The 2022 Responder Safety and Health Survey takes 4-5 minutes to complete.

Protecting the safety and health of responders is critical. A healthy workforce is better able to provide the community with a comprehensive, and effective response and recovery. Prolonged responses, like we’ve experienced with COVID, can have tremendous mental and behavioral health consequences that will directly impact communities and individuals in the short and long term. Taking steps to enhance our collective ability to prepare for and respond to the mental and behavioral health complications that may arise during an emergency or as part of a sustained response are vitally important.

Being a resilient responder starts with a commitment to taking care of yourself. This can be increasingly difficult during a prolonged response, when responders experience additional stressors related to home and personal circumstances as well as those brought on by challenging mission demands. There are important steps you can take to keep yourself healthy and fit for duty as you take care of others. This survey will be used to inform the development of our disaster behavioral health training initiatives for the responder community. Thank you for your participation.

TAKE THE SURVEY HERE – 2022 Responder Safety and Health Survey